2021.03.12 Andrea de Giorgio, A new model for procedural knowledge processes in industry 4.0, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2020.04.03 Andrea de Giorgio, Procedural knowledge controlled robot manipulators, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2019.11.08 Andrea de Giorgio, Procedural knowledge process for production, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2019.10.25 Andrea de Giorgio, ALEx REM Vesuvius Express: Introduction on ALEx, ALEx REM Vesuvius Express, Accelerated Leadership Education at REM Vesuvius Express, Rotary District 2100, Sala Rossa of Palazzo Paternò in Via San Carlo 142, Caserta, Italy.
2019.06.13 Andrea de Giorgio, Presidential handover (end of presidency speech), Rotary Club of Stockholm International, Stockholm Sweden. Watch the presentation
2019.05.18 Andrea de Giorgio & Taavi Wickman Ratthe, ALEx closing remarks, ALEx Stockholm, Accelerated Leadership Education at Rotary Club of Stockholm International, District 2350, Sweden. Watch the presentation
2019.05.18 Andrea de Giorgio & Taavi Wickman Ratthe, ALEx introduction, ALEx Stockholm, Accelerated Leadership Education at Rotary Club of Stockholm International, District 2350, Sweden. Watch the presentation
2019.02.14 Andrea de Giorgio, Carlo Cipolla's laws applied to the Four Way Test, Rotary Club of Stockholm International, Stockholm Sweden. Watch the presentation
2018.09.28 Andrea de Giorgio, Knowledge transfer in assembly sequence planning and execution, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.06.19 Andrea de Giorgio, Chair at the Summer Extra Meeting of the KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.06.14 Andrea de Giorgio, Presidential handover (beginning of presidency speech), Rotary Club of Stockholm International, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.06.11 Andrea de Giorgio, PhD students' perspective at KTH, Board Meeting of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.05.30 Andrea de Giorgio, Chair at the Summer Meeting of the KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.05.24 Malvina Roci, Tigist Fetene Adane, Andrea de Giorgio, Edward Michael Peters Circular Manufacturing Systems - Prerequisites, opportunities, challenges, Circular Economy PhD student course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.05.23 Andrea de Giorgio, Assembly Sequence Planning with Reinforcement Learning, Klusterkonferens 2018, Katrineholm, Sweden.
2018.05.16 Andrea de Giorgio, Session chair on AR and VR in Manufacturing at the CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.04.24 Andrea de Giorgio, Filmon Yacob, Assembly sequences with MCTS, PhD student course in Reinforcement Learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden. Download the presentation
2018.04.18-19 Andrea de Giorgio, Presentation of KTH PhD Chapter and outdoor team building activities at ITM PhD Student Conference 2017, Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö, Sweden.
2018.03.22 Andrea de Giorgio, FAs & the PhD Chapter, Heads of Third Cycle Education (FAs) meeting, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.03.20 Andrea de Giorgio, Filmon Yacob, Assembly sequences with Q-Learning, PhD student course in Reinforcement Learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden. Download the presentation
2018.03.13 Andrea de Giorgio, Filmon Yacob, Code, benchmarks and reproducibility issues in Deep Reinforcement Learning, PhD student course in Reinforcement Learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2018.01.25 Andrea de Giorgio, Chair at the Extra Meeting of the KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2017.12.05 Andrea de Giorgio, Chair at the Winter Meeting of the KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2017.10.27 Elena Malakhatka, Andrea de Giorgio, Liridona Sopjani, Virtual City Platform for research and development, VR Days 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2017.10.06 Andrea de Giorgio, Interactive seminar on augmented reality for assembly, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2017.09.25 Andrea de Giorgio, Presentation of KTH PhD Chapter at CHE PhD Day 2017, Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö, Sweden.
2017.09.01 Andrea de Giorgio, Augmented Reality for Production - A student project proposal in Mario Romero's course Advanced Graphics and Interaction (DH2413), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2017.07.24 Andrea de Giorgio, Rotary about self, Rotary Club of Coventry, District 1060, Coventry, United Kingdom.
2017.06.29 Andrea de Giorgio, Human-machine collaboration in virtual reality for adaptive production engineering, FAIM 2017, the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Modena, Italy. Download the presentation
2017.06.08 Andrea de Giorgio, Chair at the Summer Meeting of the KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2017.05.09-10 Andrea de Giorgio, Presentation of KTH PhD Chapter at ITM PhD Student Conference 2017, Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö, Sweden.
2017.02.14 Andrea de Giorgio, Chair at the Extra Meeting of the KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2016.12.13 Andrea de Giorgio, Chair at the Winter Meeting of the KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2016.11.11 Andrea de Giorgio, Virtual Reality for Production - A student project proposal in Mario Romero's course Advanced Graphics and Interaction (DH2413), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2016.09.20 Andrea de Giorgio, Presentation of KTH PhD Chapter at PhD Booth Camp, THS Student Union building Nymble, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2016.05.20 Andrea de Giorgio, Presentation of KTH PhD Chapter at ECE School, KTH Library, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2016.05.17 Andrea de Giorgio, Variable selection techniques, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden. Download the presentation
2016.04.05 Andrea de Giorgio, Fractional factorial experiments, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden. Download the presentation
2016.03.10 Andrea de Giorgio, Work environment and KTH PhD Chapter, KTH Networking Meeting (KTH Relocation) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2016.01.18 Andrea de Giorgio, My first meeting with Stockholm, Sweden and KTH, Welcome reception for the new international students at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden.
2010.07.04 Andrea de Giorgio, Congress opening greetings from the President of Rotaract Club Napoli, Rotary District 2100, annual congress, Naples, Italy
Note: Some sessions before 2016.01.01 may have not been reported here.
2020.11.17-19 Sweden Innovation Days, online event.
2020.11.03 THE Leadership and Management Summit, online event.
2020.09.15-16 Virtual conference on applied AI, AI+, Sweden.
2019.12.05 December 1938: Fermi in Stockholm, Rotary Club of Stockholm International at Istituto Italiano di Cultura "C.M. Lerici" in Stockholm, District 2350, Sweden.
2019.11.26-27 Digitalize in Stockholm 2019, Kistamässan, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.11.24 TEDxStockholm 2018, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Sweden.
2018.05.16-18 CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2018, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Sweden.
2017.11.01-02 IBM Large Systems Update 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
2017.10.25-27 VR Days 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2017.10.03 Google Cloud Summit, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Sweden.
2017.06.27-30 FAIM 2017, the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Modena, Italy.
2016.04.27-28 ITM PhD student conference 2016, Skogshem & Wijk, Lidingö, Sweden.
2016.04.21 Nordic Matlab EXPO 2016, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Sweden.
2014.08.24-28 ICPR 2014 - 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Sweden.
Note: Some sessions before 2016.01.01 may have not been reported here.
2017.03.6-10 Stäubli Robotics workshop, Faverges, France.
Note: Some sessions before 2017.01.01 may have not been reported here.
2020.12.17 Luca Biferale (Addetto Scientifico dell'Ambasciata d'Italia a Parigi), L’importanza dei ricercatori italiani in Francia per le relazioni bilaterali: proposte ed opportunità, Ambasciata d'Italia a Parigi, online meeting.
2020.11.19 Anders Sahlman and Pontus Ströbaek, How to talk about your research so you blow people off their chair, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, online meeting.
2020.11.17 Virginia Dignum (WASP, Sweden), Mikael Hagström (AI Forum & PlanetSmartCity, USA), Henri Verdier (Government office, France), Elena Kell (Women in AI and H&M Group, Sweden), Evelina Anttila (Peltarion, Sweden), Our future democracy, Sweden Innovation Days, online meeting.
All of the changes and innovation happening in different sectors will also transform the society we live and work in. From new services and products to completely new ways of doing things and moving in cities. So how does this new world look and what do we need to be extra cautious (or curious) about? In this track we will discuss what the impact of Artificial Intelligence really can have on society - and the future of democracy.
2020.11.13 Robert Langer (MIT professor), Commercializing research and fast-tracking innovation in times of crisis, KTH Innovation, online meeting.
2020.11.03 Chris Havergal (News editor, THE), Amit Chakma (President and vice-chancellor, The University of Western Australia), Adam Habib (Principal and vice-chancellor, University of Wittswatersand), Sigbritt Karlsson (President, KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Lily Kong (President, Singapore Management University), Panel: Leadership strategies to advance diversity and inclusion, THE Leadership and Management Summit.
How can leaders at all ranks and levels shape the diversity dynamics in the forces under their command? We'll be hearing from experts across higher education and industry on what it means to support a truly diverse and inclusive culture, on and off campus.
2020.11.03 Mie-Yun Lee (Chief of staff, Elsevier), Connected and open leadership, THE Leadership and Management Summit.
2020.11.03 Catherine Chen (President of the Public Affairs and Communications Department, Huawei), Building futures: New models of collaboration, THE Leadership and Management Summit.
2020.11.03 John Gill (Editor, THE), Ronald Daniels (President, Johns Hopkins University), Democracy and the university in the age of Covid-19, THE Leadership and Management Summit.
2020.10.22 Fredrik Carlsson, State of the art Sentence Embeddings with Contrastive Tension, RISE Natural Language Understanding Research Group, Sweden.
2020.09.11 Hongyi Liu, PhD dissertation defense: Context-Aware Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2020.04.16 Erik Ylipää, Neural networks and transfer learning for molecules, RISE, Stockholm, Sweden.
2019.12.05 Daniele Dominici, It started in Florence: the beginning of Enrico Fermi's career, Rotary Club of Stockholm International at Istituto Italiano di Cultura "C.M. Lerici" in Stockholm, District 2350, Sweden.
2019.12.05 Luisa Cifarelli, Enrico Fermi in Stockholm and his first experiment with neutrons, Rotary Club of Stockholm International at Istituto Italiano di Cultura "C.M. Lerici" in Stockholm, District 2350, Sweden.
2019.12.05 Karl Grandin, Before Fermi's Nobel: the awarding process, Rotary Club of Stockholm International at Istituto Italiano di Cultura "C.M. Lerici" in Stockholm, District 2350, Sweden.
2019.12.05 Roberto Casalbuoni, After Fermi's Nobel: Towards Chicago, Fermi's students and their Nobel prizes, Rotary Club of Stockholm International at Istituto Italiano di Cultura "C.M. Lerici" in Stockholm, District 2350, Sweden.
2019.12.05 Benedetta Pelosi, Presentation of the book "Guglielmo Marconi and Enrico Fermi: two Nobel Prizes seen by the Rotarian Nello Carrara", Rotary Club of Stockholm International at Istituto Italiano di Cultura "C.M. Lerici" in Stockholm, District 2350, Sweden.
2019.11.26 Darja Isaksson, Reflections on digitalization and the learnings of the day, Digitalize in Stockholm 2019, Kistamässan, Stockholm, Sweden.
2019.11.26 Didem Gürdür Broo (moderator), Thomas Bergs, Hans Olofsson, Faris Celik, Aleksandar Zuza, Panel: Digitalizing the manufacturing industry, Digitalize in Stockholm 2019, Kistamässan, Stockholm, Sweden.
2019.11.26 Thomas Bergs, Trends in digital manufacturing, Digitalize in Stockholm 2019, Kistamässan, Stockholm, Sweden.
2019.11.26 Håkan Schildt, Alf Isaksson, Sara Mazur, Gunnar Holmberg, Panel: Autonomous systems including intelligent transport, Digitalize in Stockholm 2019, Kistamässan, Stockholm, Sweden.
2019.09.19 Amir Hossein Rahnama, Interpretable machine learning, RISE, Stockholm, Sweden.
2019.07.22 Intelligenza artificiale, tra sfide, vantaggi ed opportunità, Unione Industriali Napoli Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori, Naples, Italy.
2019.03.20 Bertil Thorvaldsson, The next wave of digital manufacturing, AIR project kick-out at ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena, Skövde, Sweden.
2019.03.15 Lihui Wang, Towards High-Impact Scientific Publications: Tips and Strategy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2019.03.08 Mauro Onori, Where do we go from here? A Roadmap for 2050, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2019.02.15 Gunilla Sivard, Smart Manufacturing - What is it and are you doing it?, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2019.02.08 Fredrik Heintz, Artificial Intelligence - What is it and how does it affect us?, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.12.12 Daniel Tesfamariam Semere, Multi-Stage Production Systems as a Research Topic, Progress and Current Challenges, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.12.07 Afifa Rahatulain, Taming a white elephant: Challenges for SMEs in entering the automotive market, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.11.30 Ulf Carlsson, Smart Industry collaborates by Information standards and common semantics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.11.27 Martin Nilsson, What can biology teach us?, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.27 Salla Franzén, Recommender Systems, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.27 Adam Paszke, PyTorch 1.0, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.27 Martin Schmid, DeepStack: The Story of Search in Games, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.27 Philipp Moritz, Ray: A Distributed Framework for Emerging AI Applications, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.27 Elena Fersman, AI for Telecom and Beyond, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.27 Kalle Åström, Mapping, Localisation and Machine Learning, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.27 Anders Holst, Distinguishing cause and effect from data, RISE AI Day 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Watch the video
2018.11.24 Greta Thunberg, School strike for climate - save the world by changing the rules, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.24 Michael Taylor, Break the cycle of crime by teaching prisoners coding, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.24 Ryan Roxie, Achieve your goals with practice, persistence and patience, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.24 Ulf Skarin, How eating lunch with strangers improves your futurebilities, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.24 Shohini Kundu, The importance of ethical decision making in the age of technology, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.24 H.E. the French Ambassador to Stockholm Mr David Cvach, Diplomacy in the age of AI, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.24 Omar Alshogre, The power of silence and the impact of listening, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.24 Hanna Olvenmark, Meals for 10 Crowns, how to eat cheaply and sustainably, TEDxStockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre. Watch the video
2018.11.23 Martin Helgosson and Jörgen Clevensjö, Service enablement platform for smart manufacturing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.11.16 Antonio Maffei, IIP joined effort toward sustainable digitalization, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.11.09 Károly Szipka, Licentiate seminar: Modelling and Management of Uncertainty in Production Systems - from Measurement to Decision, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Licentiate Thesis
2018.11.02 Sasan Dadbakhsh, Laser Additive Manufacturing for Fabrication of Nickel-Titanium Alloys, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.10.26 Waguih ElMaraghy and Hoda ElMaraghy, Smart Products and Smart Manufacturing Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.10.19 Dan Lämkull, Digitalized manufacturing process planning of new car models, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.10.12 Daniel Semere, PhD studies at IIP: Current Status, updated rules, short and long term planned actions, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.10.05 Sture Jonsson, Electron Beam Technology - History, stare of the art and its future, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.09.21 Mo Chen, What can CNC machines learn from musical instruments?, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.06.15 Tigist Adane Fetene, PhD dissertation defense: Manufacturing Dynamics and Performance Evaluation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2018.06.08 Robert Tomkowski, Surface topography: function, shaping, and evaluation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.06.01 Antonio Adaldo, PhD dissertation defense: Event-triggered and cloud-supported control of multi-robot systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2018.06.01 Theodoros Laspas, Licentiate seminar: Closed force loop evaluation of machining systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Licentiate Thesis
2018.05.25 Ping Guo, Novel Manufacturing Process and Equipment Inspired by Applied Physics: From Structural Coloration to Self-Levitation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.05.17 Martin Kurdve, Digital assembly instruction system design with grean lean perspective - Case study from building module industry, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 Alexander von Birgelen, Self-organizing maps for anomaly localization and predictive maintenance in cyber-physical production systems, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 Daniel Semere, Skin model based tolerance and variation analysis, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 M. Ayani, Digital twin: Applying emulation for machine reconditioning, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 Qinglin Qi, Digital twin service towards smart manufacturing, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 Didem Gürdür, Knowledge representation of cyber-physiscal systems for monitoring purpose, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 Afifa Rahatulain, Viewpoints and views for the architecture description of cyber-physical manufacturing systems, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 Sascha Julian Oks, Engineering industrial cyber-pysical systems: An application map based method, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.17 Hyoung Seok Kang, A real-time cyber modeling approach in MTConnect-based cyber-physical production enviroment, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.16 Moritz Quandt, General requirements for industrial augmented reality applications, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.16 Günther Riexinger, Mixed reality for on-site self-instruction and self-inspection with building information models, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.16 Alexander Neb, Generation of AR-enhanced assembly instructions based on assembly features, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.16 Dominik Herr, Immersive modular factory layout planning using augmented reality, CIRP CMS 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.05.04 Mikael Rudin, The future of Smart Industry, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.04.27 Hongyi Liu, Deep learning-enabled context-aware human-robot collaboration, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.04.20 Sichao Liu, IoT-enabled dynamic optimisation for logistics tasks and smart vehicles, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.04.13 Erik Pettersson, Why discarded IT is an opportunity for businesses, the environment and research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.04.12 Martin Nilsson, Beyond Deep Learning, RISE, Stockholm, Sweden.
2018.04.06 Thomas Lundholm and Mikael Hedlind, Digital twins for efficient tool usage in manufacturing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.03.16 Yongkui Liu, Scheduling in cloud manufacturing: state-of-the-art, research challenges and recent work, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.03.09 Wei Ji, Big data analytics based scheduling fault prediction and machining optimisation in manufacturing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.03.02 Chengxue (Nicholas) Huang and Hampus Wranér, Standardization work within smart manufacturing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.02.23 Gunilla Sivard, Digital infrastructure in Scania’s smart factory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.02.16 Károly Szipka, Uncertainty-based modelling of machining system capability, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.02.09 Malvina Roci, ReCiPSS – Resource-efficient Circular Product Service Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.02.02 Binbin Lian, Research on Mechanism Theory and Robot Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.01.19 Zhao Gang and Xiao Wenlei, Overview of Intelligent Manufacturing Research at SMEA, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2018.01.19 Zhao Gang and Xiao Wenlei, STEP-NC compliant CAD/CNC systems for feature-oriented machining, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.12.08 Sang Do Noh, Smart Factory: Major R&D Activities in South Korea, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.12.01 Antonio Maffei, Tiphys - Social Network based doctoral Education on Industry 4.0, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.11.28 Min'an Tan, KTH PhD Chapter Meetup: Public speaking, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.11.24 Bitao Yao, Modeling and Control Optimization of Industrial-robot (IR) based Physical Human-robot Interaction (pHRI), KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.11.17 Mauro Onori, What is new in Industry 4.0 and what are the barriers?, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.11.10 Daniel T. Semere, Gulten Baysel, Nikolas Alexander Theissen, Ph.D education program: Administrative processes updates and explanations, PAD and other supports, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.11.03 Doriana M. D'Addona, Advanced Monitoring and Computational Intelligence in Machining Processes, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.10.25 Philip Rosedale, Virtual reality shop with blockchain, VR Days 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2017.10.13 Luca Urciuoli, Securing postal operations - An ABM approach to evaluate the impacts of security devices on four consolidation centers in Spain, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.09.27 Alice Sollazzo, PhD dissertation defense: Cellular responses to combined irradiation with alpha particles and X-rays, Stockholm University. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2017.09.22 Michael Lieder, PhD dissertation defense: From resource efficiency to resource conservation: Studies, developments and recommendations for industrial implementation of circular manufacturing systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2017.09.15 Yuquan Wang, Reactive control and coordination of redundant robotic systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.09.08 Michael Lieder, Resource Conservative Manufacturing: Advances in business model changes, end-of-life design strategies and multi-method modelling, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.06.15 Bita Daemi, PhD dissertation defense: Enhanced image analysis, a tool for precision metrology in the micro and macro world, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2017.06.15 Yujiang Li, PhD dissertation defense: Architecting model driven system integration in production engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2017.06.08 Farazee Asif, PhD dissertation defense: Circular Manufacturing Systems: A development framework with analysis methods and tools for implementation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2017.06.02 André Dionisio Rocha, Approaches to implement and develop Cyber-Physical Production Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.05.26 Ihab Ragai, Advanced Manufacturing Processes: Electrically-Assisted Manufacturing, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.05.19 Navid Shariat Zadeh, PhD dissertation defense: Standardized architectures for information integration and life cycle management in the domain of production engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Doctoral Thesis
2017.05.02 Hongyi Liu, Worker Motion Recognition and Prediction for Human-Robot Collaboration, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.04.21 Emmanuel Francalanza, Digital Factory Planning for a Range of Products: A Changeability Knowledge-Based Integrated Product Development Approach, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.03.31 Jonna Sandberg, Help unlock your full potential with adaptive learning technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.03.24 Abdullah Alhusin Alkhdur, PhD dissertation defense: Toward a Sustainable Human-Robot Collaborative Production Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.03.17 Bitao Yao, Dynamic modeling and control of robotic systems in human robot interaction, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.02.24 Amir Rashid, The paradigm of Circular Economy (CE) and KTH initiative on CE, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.02.17 Peter Ekberg, How to calibrate a 1.5 million SEK optical imaging system using fifty pence, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.02.10 Dangxiao Wang, Haptic Human Machine Interaction (HMI): from motor skill training to cognitive skill training, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2017.02.03 Sara Akramy and Ika Jorum, Reference management software, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.12.02 Navid Shariatzadeh, Service oriented integration using information standards and linked data, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.11.11 Theodoros Laspas, Measurement and modeling of machine tools geometric and quasi-static accuracy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.11.04 João Dias Ferreira, Bio-inspired self-organizing architecture for cyber-physical manufacturing systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.10.28 Mohammad Givehchi, Function Block Enabled Adaptive Distributed Process Planning and Execution (Cloud-DPP), KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.10.15 Marcus du Sautoy, Transforming science – Numbers shape the world around us, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Idriz Zogaj (Swedish Memory Team), Transforming the mind – Training a new generation of 21st century leaders, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Per Hallberg, Transforming perspectives – Reaching for the stars, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Staffan Scheja, Transforming music – Keeping in tune with the future, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Shahrzad Kiavash and Maja Reichard, Transforming sport – Victory in the face of adversity, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Danica Kragic, Transforming intelligence – A new era of collaboration, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Mathias Uhlén, Transforming healthcare – Mapping out our medical future, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Parag Khanna, Transforming the world map – Connectivity is destiny, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.15 Jacob Wallenberg, Transforming Investor – The next 100 years, Investor Talks 2016, Aula Medica, Stockholm.
2016.10.14 Magnus Lundgren, A holistic approach for model-driven process planning to support expert decision and analysis in manufacturing process design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.10.07 Bita Daemi, Image analysis for precision metrology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.09.30 Andreas Archenti, Identification and modeling of machining systems operational characteristics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.09.23 Antonio Adaldo, Licentiate seminar: Event-triggered control of multi-agent systems: pinning control, cloud coordination, and sensor coverage, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Download the Licentiate Thesis
2016.09.16 Wei Ji, Research on process planning and cutting tool, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.09.09 Gunilla Franzén Sivard, Presentation of the 26th CIRP Design Conference held at KTH in June 2016, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.09.02 Antonio Maffei, Part 1: Presentation of the CIRP Research Affiliate workshop hold at KTH last June - Part 2: A framework for phenomenographic analysis and classification of troublesome knowledge in the engineering domain, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.06.10 Alireza Khodaee, HIP Gear, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.06.03 Tomas Österlind, Dynamic characterization of machine tools: An introduction and developments by MMS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.05.27 Pedro Neves, PhD dissertation defense: Reconfiguration Methodology to improve the agility and sustainability of Plug and Produce Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.05.20 Afifa Rahatulain, PhD licentiate defense: Towards a Holistic Development Approach for Adaptable Manufacturing Paradigms: A Case study of Evolvable Production Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.05.11 Åsa Andersson, A toolbox for increased productivity: From efficiency to effectiveness, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.05.11 Arne Melander, Principle of division in scientific methodology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.05.04 Lihui Wang, Engineering ethics and laws, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.04.29 Roland Bejjani, Cutting tool technology: an overview form cutting technology & simulation to tool wear and relation to workpiece materials, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.04.22 Jannik Henser, Powertrain manufacturing for heavy vehicles application lab - A collaboration between KTH, Fraunhofer and RISE, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.04.20 Mauro Onori, Paradigms and breakthroughs, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.04.15 Pedro Neves, Reconfiguration methodology to improve the agility and sustainability of plug and produce systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.04.08 Per Ahlgren, Introduction to bibliometrics and its use at KTH, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.04.06 Amir Rashid, Responding to the sustainability challenge through innovation - Manufacturing in the context of circular economy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.04.01 Dawei Liu, Machining Accuracy Evaluation of 5-Axis Machine tools based on R-test and Machining Feature, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.03.30 Cornel Mihai Nicolescu, Research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.03.11 Sven Haglund, Heat Treatment of Components, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.03.04 Gunilla Franzén Sivard, Digital factory for inter-disciplinary communication, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.03.02 Lars Henry Mattsson, Reliability of scientific results. Am I measuring things correctly and can I trust my instruments?, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.02.26 Yujiang Li, User centered integration of information models in an engineering context, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.02.19 Wei Wang, Toward energy-efficient NC machining, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.02.17 Daniel Semere, Research Questions and Hypothesis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.02.12 Abdullah Alhusin Alkhdur, Toward sustainable human-robot production environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.02.10 Andreas Archenti, Accuracy analysis of machine tools using Elastically Linked Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.02.05 Amir Rashid, Additive Manufacturing - Potential and challenges of the fast evolving paradigm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2016.01.29 Kari Hyll, Image-based quantitative infrared analysis and micro-particle characterization for pulp and paper applications, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
2015.11.20 Xun Xu, Cyber-Physical Systems to Cloud Manufacturing and Product Service Systems: Rediscovering the connotation of "service", KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Note: Some sessions before 2016.01.01 may have not been reported here.
2017.05.31 Oscar Sandelin and Zacharias Rudberg, Impact on manufacturing execution systems through the use of smart connected devices, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
My first name is "Andrea" and my last name is "de Giorgio". The correct way to write my full name is the following:
First name always precedes last name. In case the last name needed to be written first, a comma would separate the first name in the following way:
The first of the two words composing my last name ("de") always starts without a capital letter. In light of this, a capitalization of the full name can be done only in the following way:
If only the last name needs to be capitalized, then the correct form is the following: